Air Commandos,
As we celebrate the 4th of July, I want to thank you and your families for serving in this great command at home and abroad. You are extraordinary people doing extraordinary things and you have pledged to defend the ideals our forefathers laid out on July 4, 1776 in our Declaration of Independence. You are the nation’s “one percenters."
To you, Independence Day is more than a holiday…it is a promise kept! You are motivated by pride, patriotism and an understanding of the price of freedom. Air Force Special Operations Command is willing to go anywhere in the world to keep this nation safe. A special thanks goes out to those serving downrange this 4th of July. Your bravery and sacrifice make you extraordinary citizens…there is nothing ordinary about you.
It has been an honor to serve as your commander. My proudest achievement in my 42 year military career is to be called “Air Commando 01” and serve with the men and women of Air Force Special Operations Command.
A sincere thank you for all you do; have a fun and safe 4th of July!