April 16, 2021 19 SOS Airman uses heritage as motivation to succeed Staff Sgt. Jeremy Castro, 19th Special Operations Squadron special missions aviator, is a prime example of the diversity of the members who make up that melting pot. Castro is the first member of his family to be born in the U.S.
Jan. 11, 2021 AFSOCs historic first PTN team takes flight For the first time in Air Force Special Operations Command history, two new graduates from the Air Education and Training Command’s Pilot Training Next (PTN), served as aircraft commander and co-pilot on a mission sortie.
May 10, 2017 492nd SOW activation completes circle of Air Commando history World War II's renowned Carpetbagger unit returned to active service as the 492nd Special Operations Wing during a ceremony May 10, 2017, at Hurlburt Field, Fla. This activation links a storied past to AFSOC's exciting future.