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  • 919th SOG welcomes new commander

    The 919th Special Operations Group welcomed a new commander during an assumption of command ceremony at Duke Field Feb. 5, 2022.

  • Combat Aviation Advisors participate in airdrop competition

    The luxury of readily available gear and resources is not always a reality for Combat Aviation Advisors working with partner nations in remote locations. These unique situations have led CAAs to find innovative ways to help partner nations accomplish their missions with resources and budgets that

  • Commander reflects on past, looks to future

    A wing change of command ceremony will take place July 11, 2021 at Duke Field, Florida. The ceremony will mark the moment 919th Special Operations Wing commander, Col. Kevin J. Merrill, hands over the guidon to his successor. This symbolic gesture can be one the most difficult changes for a

  • 5th SOS tests new aircrew mask for C-130 enterprise

    The 5th Special Operations Squadron demonstrated the unique capabilities of the unit while testing a new protective mask for the 53rd Wing.  The squadron tested the Joint Service Aircrew Mask for Strategic Aircraft, which is slated to replace the current Aircrew Eye and Respiratory Protection System

  • New proficiency exercise streamlines training for CAAs

    Combat Aviation Advisors from the 711th Special Operations Squadron employed a new method to accomplish annual training requirements. The squadron’s first ever two-week long Proficiency Exercise in March combined specialized training scenarios that took place at locations across the Eglin Range.

  • Drive-thru vaccination line keeps 919 SOW Airmen medically ready

    Capt. Lindsay Piechowiak, 919th SOMDS Infection Control Officer, organized a drive-thru flu shot line for the November unit training assembly to provide vaccinations for Citizen Air Commandos while following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

  • Resiliency Support Team continues to innovate during COVID-19

    Members from multiple helping agencies and services come together every month as part of the 919th SOW Resiliency Support Team to work together to create events and provide services for Citizen Air Commandos and their families. When COVID-19 restrictions limited in-person meetings, the team was able

  • Duke Field focusing on preventative health conditioning

    Most military members who have spent years training and deploying are all too familiar with duty-related injuries and the long rehabilitation process that follows. Air Force Special Operations Command is now using an innovative approach to try to preserve the health of its members by preventing